Certainly as future teachers we do not have to be told how much time you have to consume creating lesson plans and grading papers. Having the ability to create a self-grading quiz or test is something that should be used in every teachers arsenal if they have the option to do so. This tool will allow teachers to save a lot of time and effort, so that they can concentrate and focus on the lecture portion or other important parts of the lesson. If you really think about a quiz or test, it really is not that important of a part of your class, sure it's important for grades, or evaluations, but in reality it's your ability to transfer the information that you teach that allows them to do well on the test. Taking a test and how you teach your lesson is not always directly related, but what if a teacher had an extra hour to prepare for their lecture? What if teachers had more time to create or research games for their class instead of using that time grading quizzes? Below you will see my practice quiz, which I encourage you to check out. Certainly the one drawback for some teachers is the willingness or ability to use multiple choice answers or the type of questions they can ask. I encourage everyone to use google forms. Google forms has about seven different types of questions you can ask among them, multiple choice,short answer, text etc. Google forms also allows you to give hints to the question if needed to assist students on those harder questions.
Using google forms also allows for you to evaluate student performance based off different styles of presenting your lessons. Every student learns differently, but what google forms allows you to do is quickly evaluate students knowledge of the information and relate it back to how you taught your lesson. You can compare students results to the different approaches you take and be able to evaluate which approaches best works for your class. Additionally, with using google forms you can send quiz results directly to parents if they want to know how there kids are performing on a weekly bases. We all know that kids all try and hide there grades from time to time and this might be a good way to keep some parents in the loop. I would warn also though that parents knowing every grade or quiz score might impede the student from their ability to do better without parent involvement. Every child has to overcome a poor score on their own and learn to work harder, with added pressure because parents might know every grade might impede the student. Close evaluation must be taken with each student and how they react.
Below is a great HOW TO video of google forms.
Google Forms is also not a very difficult program to use, it does take a little bit to figure out where the embed code is and to figure out the layout of questions and background you might like. After the first 15 minutes of getting comfortable with where everything is it became very easy to create my own forms and self-grading quizzes.
In chapter 7 of graham.
4. Present information, findings, and supporting evidence such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the organization, development, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
5. Make strategic use of digital media and visual displays of data to express information and enhance understanding of presentations.
Graham, Michael J. (2013-04-23). Google Apps Meets Common Core (p. 117). SAGE Publications. Kindle Edition.
Above you will see the Common Core requirements found in chapter 7 forms. Common Core wants to make sure that students have a strong understanding of not only presenting information but the ability to organize the information they collect. Google forms can allow a student to conduct a survey and send it to people via email or gather the information from those who look at it online. Through gathering this information in the survey the student can then organize the answers and give a strong answer to the topic of their survey. This allows students to prepare for higher education which requires students to look at a variety of different opinions and information and come to their own conclusion with solid evidence.
Another way that google forms can be used is through the use of a questionnaire or survey from a school faculty member. There are many times when parents opinions and information about something is important, google forms would allow you to do this and post it on the schools Facebook, or other social media site to gather that important information. Of course this survey or questionnaire can also be sent via email to parents as well.
Google Forms allows teachers to capture and evaluate data efficiently. Teachers are now more than every being looked at from the bases of how their students perform. Because of this new evaluation style, it is important for teachers to stay on top of their students progress and performance. Graham points out how google forms can be a very effective way to do this efficiently.
Using google forms also allows for you to evaluate student performance based off different styles of presenting your lessons. Every student learns differently, but what google forms allows you to do is quickly evaluate students knowledge of the information and relate it back to how you taught your lesson. You can compare students results to the different approaches you take and be able to evaluate which approaches best works for your class. Additionally, with using google forms you can send quiz results directly to parents if they want to know how there kids are performing on a weekly bases. We all know that kids all try and hide there grades from time to time and this might be a good way to keep some parents in the loop. I would warn also though that parents knowing every grade or quiz score might impede the student from their ability to do better without parent involvement. Every child has to overcome a poor score on their own and learn to work harder, with added pressure because parents might know every grade might impede the student. Close evaluation must be taken with each student and how they react.
Below is a great HOW TO video of google forms.
Google Forms is also not a very difficult program to use, it does take a little bit to figure out where the embed code is and to figure out the layout of questions and background you might like. After the first 15 minutes of getting comfortable with where everything is it became very easy to create my own forms and self-grading quizzes.
In chapter 7 of graham.
4. Present information, findings, and supporting evidence such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the organization, development, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
5. Make strategic use of digital media and visual displays of data to express information and enhance understanding of presentations.
Graham, Michael J. (2013-04-23). Google Apps Meets Common Core (p. 117). SAGE Publications. Kindle Edition.
Above you will see the Common Core requirements found in chapter 7 forms. Common Core wants to make sure that students have a strong understanding of not only presenting information but the ability to organize the information they collect. Google forms can allow a student to conduct a survey and send it to people via email or gather the information from those who look at it online. Through gathering this information in the survey the student can then organize the answers and give a strong answer to the topic of their survey. This allows students to prepare for higher education which requires students to look at a variety of different opinions and information and come to their own conclusion with solid evidence.
Another way that google forms can be used is through the use of a questionnaire or survey from a school faculty member. There are many times when parents opinions and information about something is important, google forms would allow you to do this and post it on the schools Facebook, or other social media site to gather that important information. Of course this survey or questionnaire can also be sent via email to parents as well.
Google Forms allows teachers to capture and evaluate data efficiently. Teachers are now more than every being looked at from the bases of how their students perform. Because of this new evaluation style, it is important for teachers to stay on top of their students progress and performance. Graham points out how google forms can be a very effective way to do this efficiently.
Good find on the video. I have not used Flubaroo, but sounds good if it works. :-)